
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Aug 9 12:10:27 MDT 2023)

Parent directory/folder = photos/23/

Don nudged me into another "little" Sunday hike... Rocky Mtn NP again, this time 14.5 mi(!) in nearly 9 hr, 2450' gain, from the Cub Lake TH the long way past Cub Lake to the Pool (390' drop enroute), up past Fern Falls to Fern Lake, and beyond to Odessa Lake!

We knew the weather forecast was iffy, so we started fairly early and went for a valley/lake instead of peak hike. I failed to get a Saturday entry permit at 5 pm Friday -- the website's not bad, but they do not remind you to log in first, and 130 permits for the 6-8 am slot went in 60 sec -- so I tried again on Saturday for Sunday. Then we got lucky and had just a trace of rain, and actually warm/hot, low 80s before it clouded up!

I was slow on the uphills, finally figured out maybe I should drink a lot more water sooner, and that helped a lot. We both did great hiking out, including the last mile of road from the Fern to Cub trailheads -- other than I sprained my ankle the worst in years, near the end -- just a camouflauged rock sticking out of a flat section.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

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  2. A1_StravaProfile.png (80)
  3. B_BigThompsonUpstream.jpg (411)
  4. C1_ArrivingAtCubLake.jpg (453)
  5. C2_BurnedTree.jpg (282)
  6. C3_PassingCubLake.jpg (496)
  7. D1_DownToCubLake.jpg (436)
  8. D2_DownToCubLake.jpg (396)
  9. D3_IndianPaintbrush.jpg (325)
  10. E1_BurnScarAcrossCyn.jpg (489)
  11. E2_BurnedForest.jpg (264)
  12. F1_CubFernJct.jpg (485)
  13. F2_ThePool.jpg (228)
  14. F3_BigThompsonDownstream.jpg (279)
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  16. G2_FireweedEtcHillside.jpg (484)
  17. H1_AmazingFernFalls.jpg (294)
  18. H4_FernFallsPortion.jpg (496)
  19. H5_CloudsOverhead.jpg (305)
  20. H6_AlanAtFernFallsByDon.jpg (119)
  21. H7_AlanAtFernFallsByDonCloser.jpg (124)
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  23. I2_DonHikingUphill.jpg (533)
  24. I3_FernOdessaSpruceJct.jpg (568)
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  26. J2_FernLakePool.jpg (378)
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  30. J6_FernLakePoolAgain.jpg (441)
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  32. K2_UpTrailToOdessa.jpg (551)
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  34. L2_AcrossFernLake.jpg (540)
  35. L3_DownToFernLake.jpg (568)
  36. L4_FireweedCloseup.jpg (307)
  37. M1_DonApproachingOdessa.jpg (269)
  38. M2_DonAtOdessaLake10055ft.jpg (459)
  39. N1_BathingBeautiesZoom.jpg (419)
  40. N2_WestAcrossOdessa.jpg (260)
  41. N3_WestAcrossOdessaZoomFuzzyOops.jpg (179)
  42. N4_ClearOdessaWaters.jpg (433)
  43. N5_LittleMatterhorn.jpg (360)
  44. N6_OdessaOutletByDon.jpg (134)
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  49. P3_RemainsOfPatrolCabin.jpg (445)
  50. P4_MoreWildflowersAndTrees.jpg (513)
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  52. Q2_FernFallsAgain.jpg (269)