
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Mar 16 18:14:39 MDT 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/21/

My third solo trip to the cabin this year, after two with Cathie, and the sixth trip overall since last November... Given the 20 trees that blew over in the last 2 years, resulting in 10 slash piles to dispose of, I've been motivated to go up to get exercise hauling wheelbarrow loads and building all-day campfires. Since no summer fire ban started yet, I did it again!

Plus I'm having fun checking the new-ish trailcam for wildlife. This time I actually caught some elk grazing near the cabin on two successive mornings.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. 0604A_KenoshaPassSign.jpg (641)
  2. 0604B_EndOfRoadGeorgiaPass.jpg (817)
  3. 0604C_ParkedAtJohnsonCreek.jpg (895)
  4. 0604E_NWtoDivide.jpg (703)
  5. 0604F_NWtoDivideZoom.jpg (651)
  6. 0606A_PineNeedlePile.jpg (1095)
  7. 0606B_SlashPile1.jpg (1033)
  8. 0606C_SlashPile2.jpg (1104)
  9. 0606D_SlashPile3.jpg (1096)
  10. 0606E_KenoshaValley.jpg (695)
  11. 0606F_KenoshaCreekUpstream.jpg (776)
  12. 0606G_KenoshaCreekDownstream.jpg (835)