
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Mar 16 19:30:59 MDT 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/22/

Cross country skiing with Rob and Todd from Sprague Lake mostly uphill towards (but not all the way to) Glacier Gorge Junction... Three of us did 3.6 mi round trip on the first outing of the day in 2:13; then Todd left, and two of us circled Sprague Lake clockwise in 0:37 for 0.9 mi; and finally, we drove about 10 mi up to the closed end of Trail Ridge Road at Many Parks Curve, and skied 0.8 mi up before turning around.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. A_JctNearSpragueLake.jpg (377)
  2. B_SnowyBoulder.jpg (314)
  3. C_ToddPlummer.jpg (146)
  4. D1_SnowSnakeOnTree.jpg (478)
  5. D2_TrailDownTowardSprague.jpg (352)
  6. E_RestBreakNearSprague.jpg (171)
  7. F1_WestAcrossSpragueLake.jpg (338)
  8. F2_WestAcrossSpragueLakeZoom.jpg (307)
  9. G1_RobOnBridge.jpg (354)
  10. G2_AroundSpragueLake.jpg (223)
  11. G3_MountainsZoom.jpg (357)
  12. H1_MummyRangeFromTRR.jpg (334)
  13. H2_YpsilonFairchildZoom.jpg (352)
  14. H3_HaguesMummyZoom.jpg (447)
  15. I_RobAtBareSpot.jpg (311)
  16. J_MummyMtnZoom.jpg (261)
  17. K_MummyRangeAgain.jpg (416)