Alan Silverstein,
(page updated Wed Mar 16 18:14:40 MDT 2022)
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We finally took the camper van out for a (short) trip this summer, 4
nights, with the middle 2 indoors at the cabin! We drove up to Estes
Park, where I finally kayaked on Lake Estes; had a nice early dinner at
Burgers and Gyros; I paddled around Lily Lake on the margin of RMNP
also for the first time; and we camped at Olive Ridge (USFS) near
Allenspark south of Estes, where we'd stayed once before --
in 2013! Our first year of camping in the van.
The next day we spent 9.5 hours and at least 14 stops, which was tiring,
driving the Peak to Peak Highway, with an unplanned side trip up to see
the Moffat Tunnel for the first time, then south down to Idaho Springs
for BBQ lunch, and up and over Guanella Pass -- by which time we were
more than ready to just head for the cabin instead of camping again,
for instance, up PCR 60 for the first time (maybe later).
This worked out great because the county texted a fire ban the next
evening just as I was finishing feeding another all-day slash
disposal campfire!
Finally, oddly, we spent the last night out camped just 6.8 miles up
the Georgia Pass road, only about 8 miles from the cabin, which set me
up for a very nice evening hike I'd long wanted to do.
Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)
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- 0613M2_MeekerLongsEstesConeZoom.jpg (600)
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- 0616D_ColumbineCloseupFront.jpg (282)
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