
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Sun Nov 27 13:51:38 MST 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/20/

We decided on short notice to beat some of the Front Range heat by taking the van out on a short Colorado loop for 4 nights -- but ended up returning home after 3 nights. We drove to Dillon, where even around 2:30 pm it was too late to snag any of the FCFS campsites at Prospector, so we followed directions to a nice dispersed Forest Service location a few miles away (uphill past the landfill to forest across from Keystone!)

The next day I did a tough 7.5-hour, 5.5 mile, 3045' gain hike/scramble up Buffalo Mountain, 12777', and had my best mountain goat encounter ever! Then we overnighted at the overflow parking lot at Prospector CG; continued to the cabin for one night; and I ran one tank of gas through the chainsaw (even though it was hot out, high 70s) chopping up fallen tree trunks into 3' sections.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

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  4. C2_XC_UpBuffaloMtn.jpg (649)
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  6. D2_HigherUpTrail.jpg (607)
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  9. F2_DownTrailEast.jpg (493)
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  11. G1_AlpineSunflowers.jpg (550)
  12. G2_Pika.jpg (505)
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  14. H2_ZoomDownFromSummit.jpg (353)
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  16. H4_SouthFromSummit.jpg (496)
  17. H5_WestFromSummit.jpg (461)
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  19. H7_NorthwestFromSummit.jpg (429)
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  24. I4_SummitSouthNorthPano.jpg (96)
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  27. J3_TenmileRangeZoom.jpg (385)
  28. J4_TorreysGraysZoom.jpg (302)
  29. J5_PikesPeakZoom.jpg (310)
  30. J6_DownslopeWest.jpg (501)
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  34. K4_NannyAndKid.jpg (554)
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  36. K6_NannyPassingRightBy.jpg (543)
  37. K7_NannyTurningBack.jpg (592)
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  39. L2_LakeAndFur.jpg (591)
  40. L3_AlienPlantCirsiumScopulorum.jpg (536)
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  42. M2_GoatPassingBy.jpg (418)
  43. M3_GoatStandingNearby.jpg (464)
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  45. M5_BigGoatNearMe.jpg (525)
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  47. M7_GoatsAndLakeZoom.jpg (489)
  48. M8_GoatsAndTownZoom.jpg (544)
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  50. N2_MoreGoatsOnRocks.jpg (543)
  51. N3_RealCloseup.jpg (517)
  52. O1_TopOfTalusSlope.jpg (530)
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  54. O3_FartherDownSlope.jpg (490)
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  56. P2_MomAndKidZoom.jpg (466)
  57. P3_MomAndKidZoom.jpg (498)
  58. P4_KidChasingMom.jpg (546)
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  61. S1_VenusAldebaran.jpg (124)
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  67. S7_QuandaryPkBinocs.jpg (264)
  68. S8_QuandaryPkBinocs.jpg (266)
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  70. T2_NiceNeighborWoodWall.jpg (591)
  71. T3_TreeAndLogs.jpg (647)