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This perennial, obviously "woody", cinquefoil has grown next to the "front porch" for many years. Possibly Potentilla fruticosa? Found on the web:

Cinquefoils are cute little flowers, usually yellow, in the rose family, Rosaceae. Traditionally they were in the genus Potentilla. Shrubby cinquefoil of the northern and western North America... was for many years called Potentilla fruticosa. It is easily distinguished from the 68 native and 8 introduced species of Potentilla in North America because it is the only woody shrub, not a non-woody herb.

Then, some years ago, DNA and other evidence indicated that shrubby cinquefoil and the other cinquefoils that are shrubs (11, all from Eurasia) were pretty different from other cinquefoils, so they were reclassified into another genus.


0714B1_Cinquefoil_Yellow.jpg (257 Kb)

By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Sun Dec 25 15:47:27 MST 2022)