
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Tue Jul 25 13:33:14 MDT 2023)

Parent directory/folder = photos/23/

Neighbor Don and I finally connected on a hike for the first time since last September -- the "longer way" from Lily Lake to Estes Cone in Rocky Mtn NP. He took a weekday off work, we parked before entry permits were required at 9 am, and we spent 6:11 round trip going 8.8 mi with ~2300' of gain. He was in great shape, I was not, overweight and out of shape, and I paid for it, very sore from neck to toes the next day. Hadn't done any serious hiking since Utah in early May...

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. A_StravaScreenshot.png (180)
  2. B_DonAtTrailhead.jpg (361)
  3. C_StormPassTrailFork.jpg (335)
  4. D1_TorturedLog.jpg (492)
  5. D2_MeekerLongsZoom.jpg (324)
  6. E1_RoughUpperTrail.jpg (286)
  7. E2_RoughUpperTrail.jpg (466)
  8. F_VegetationInStoneCrack.jpg (320)
  9. G_MeekerLongsZoom.jpg (326)
  10. H1_MeekerLongsZoom.jpg (321)
  11. H2_NWtoIdaEtc.jpg (364)
  12. H3_NW_Zoom.jpg (315)
  13. I1_NorthToMummyRange.jpg (397)
  14. I2_ErodedTree.jpg (305)
  15. I3_AlanByDon.jpg (118)
  16. J_LilyLakeZoom.jpg (314)
  17. K1_RainComing.jpg (193)
  18. K2_MummyRangeZoom.jpg (290)
  19. L1_DonNearBigTree.jpg (476)
  20. L2_DonEtcHeadingDown.jpg (281)
  21. M_WoundedTreeWithSap.jpg (350)
  22. N_ColumbineInBloom.jpg (185)
  23. O_BridgeAlongTheWay.jpg (431)
  24. P_ViewAcrossLilyLake.jpg (291)