
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Fri Jun 9 12:59:03 MDT 2023)

Parent directory/folder = photos/23/

One evening while at the Loveland condo we took off for shopping and dinner, then I talked Cathie into doing a short uphill walk with me from the Mariana Butte golf course clubhouse in far SW Loveland. We caught a spectacular evening view about an hour before sunset! And we stayed up there a lot longer than I expected, maybe half an hour.

I took way too many pictures, tossed about half of them, and still kept too many (grin).

And 8 days later while Megan was visiting (staying at the condo), we ran up there again! About the same time of the evening, but not so impressive this time due to Canadian wildfire haze.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. A1_NorthwestZoom.jpg (179)
  2. A2_DevilsBackboneZoom.jpg (198)
  3. B1_DevilsBackboneZoom.jpg (224)
  4. B2_WestToNorthPano.jpg (115)
  5. B3_SunBreakingThrough.jpg (294)
  6. B4_ShadowsOnGC.jpg (295)
  7. B5_NorthUpRidge.jpg (421)
  8. B6_HilltopShadow.jpg (320)
  9. C1_DevilsBackboneZoom.jpg (177)
  10. C2_AnotherViewNW.jpg (215)
  11. C3_HilltopAndShadows.jpg (351)
  12. C4_AnotherViewNorth.jpg (303)
  13. C5_WestToNorthSunPano.jpg (127)
  14. D_CathieAndHillShadow.jpg (155)
  15. E1_CloudColorsZoom.jpg (140)
  16. E2_CloudColorsZoom.jpg (152)
  17. F_SculptureAtBaseOfHill.jpg (343)
  18. G1_PondsDrivingAway.jpg (196)
  19. G2_PondsDrivingAway.jpg (217)
  20. H1_BunnyNearTop.jpg (309)
  21. H2_BunnyCloser.jpg (289)
  22. I1_HilltopSW.jpg (344)
  23. I2_BoedeckerLakeSW_Zoom.jpg (258)
  24. J1_MeganNW.jpg (253)
  25. J2_HazySunshine.jpg (209)
  26. K_MeganSW.jpg (327)
  27. L_DevilsBackboneWithGnatsZoom.jpg (162)