
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Mar 16 18:14:22 MDT 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/19/

Neighbor Don and I went for a summertime, hence early morning, hike up Horsetooth Rock west of Fort Collins. We did the "grand tour" from the north to south tooth, although skipping one of the gaps, and of course not technical climbing the center tooth.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. A_RingneckPheasantHen.jpg (860)
  2. B_WildBergamot.jpg (1034)
  3. C_RockStairsOnTrail.jpg (1006)
  4. D1_FromNorthTooth.jpg (973)
  5. D2_FromNorthTooth.jpg (833)
  6. D3_ShadowZoomWest.jpg (918)
  7. E_MilnerMountainSouth.jpg (1026)
  8. F_CenterTooth.jpg (1058)
  9. G1_SouthGapCave.jpg (436)
  10. G2_SouthGapCave.jpg (417)
  11. H1_DonSouthTooth.jpg (942)
  12. H2_DonSouthTooth.jpg (862)
  13. I_AlanByDon.jpg (401)
  14. J_LongsPeakFromSouthTooth.jpg (739)
  15. K_DownCulverTrail.jpg (1090)
  16. L_RockNorthZoom.jpg (743)
  17. M_NearlyDownSoutheast.jpg (913)