
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Mar 16 18:14:20 MDT 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/18/

The first launch of the Falcon Heavy on February 6, 2018, and especially images from the live feed of "Starman" leaving Earth orbit, were so amazing that I captured some of them for myself, from cellphone screenshots or otherwise.

Best video I found of the dual booster landing (while it remains available) = here.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. A_LaunchFromDistance.jpg (363)
  2. B_EarlyWithEarth.jpeg (186)
  3. C1_2139_Australia.png (543)
  4. C2_2139_Australia.png (742)
  5. C3_2139_Australia.png (1057)
  6. D_2148_Trajectory.png (101)
  7. E_2155_Dashboard.png (813)
  8. F1_2200_Rearward.png (661)
  9. F2_2200_Rearward.png (770)
  10. F3_2200_Rearward.png (748)
  11. G_2216_Farther.png (995)
  12. H_2241_Farther.png (924)
  13. I_2252_Dashboard.png (794)
  14. J_FinalFromElon.jpg (182)