
By Alan Silverstein, (page updated Wed Mar 16 18:14:11 MDT 2022)

Parent directory/folder = photos/16/

Cathie and I made it up to her cabin for the first time in just over four months, and our first overnight stay in February. Of course as expected there were deep snowdrifts. We had to dig out a parking spot for the car, and posthole a track about 250' into the cabin.

Image files (Kb): (click on any image for next)

  1. 0219A_BeforeDigging.JPG (287)
  2. 0219B_PartlyDug.JPG (293)
  3. 0219C_UndercutBerm.JPG (296)
  4. 0220A_Woodpile.JPG (291)
  5. 0220B_CabinFromWest.JPG (286)
  6. 0220C_TrailToCar.JPG (292)
  7. 0220D_DeepTrailThroughDrift.JPG (293)
  8. 0220E_CarParked.JPG (289)
  9. 0220F_FirePitBefore.JPG (292)
  10. 0220G_FirePitAfter.JPG (292)
  11. 0221_LoadedSled.JPG (287)