Under the Hood of the World Wide Web
An essay by
Alan Silverstein,
(ending in 2002 was: ajs@fc.hp.com)
Last update: Oct 15, 1999; and later, Feb 9, 2020
Resuscitated this essay for historical interest:
First written sometime after 1993 while appreciating the "harmonic
convergence" inherent in the first Web browser, Mosaic.
Apr 21, 1997: This file was also viewable (prettier) at:
http://www.learnthenet.com (search for "under the hood"; no fixed URL;
maintained by: mlerner@paradesa.com)
Jan 13, 2020: I found this text file on my last Hewlett-Packard
backup CD as ~/doc/www.intro. Converted to HTML, and added
contemporary comments in "[...]".
Overall Concept
Driving a web browser or other computer application is as easy as
driving a car -- or at least it should be. "You don't have to know how
the computer works, just how to work the computer." This presentation
is a quick peek "under the hood", one level deeper, to give you some
idea what's going on behind the scenes.
The story of web browsers and web sites builds up from many different
parts to a grand finale. Here are the parts...
Client/Server Concepts
A client computer initiates a service request. A server computer
waits to reply, kind of like a person who waits to answer the phone so
you can make airline reservations. [Hardly any more!]
A client program can be directed by a human being (at a screen,
keyboard, and mouse), or it can run automatically.
A server is a program that knows a protocol for communication (see
below), but often doesn't know much about networking -- it just
exchanges bytes of information with the client, a back-and-forth
conversation that might be human-readable ASCII, or binary code; kind
of like when you call someone to make a reservation, and they don't
know how the phone system works, just how to use the telephone to talk
with you.
It's entirely possible for the client and server programs to be on the
same computer, as well as on two different computers connected by a
network. The client/server model blurs the boundaries between
computers, to where "the network is the computer."
Once a virtual connection is established between a client and server,
the two systems are peers, but the client/server asymmetry usually
continues through the protocol; just like when you're done dialing
someone, it doesn't matter much who placed the call, you can talk to
each other as equals, though quite often the caller and the callee
have very different roles. (With phone calls the caller usually pays
for any long distance charges [rare any more inside the USA], but
there's usually no equivalent in network connections.)
Internet (TCP/IP) Concepts
A TCP/IP network is a common connection between two or more computers.
(There's a lot more to it than that, of course.)
The connection is often through coaxial cable (coax), the same sort of
stuff that's used for TV antenna signals, but it doesn't have to be.
Network connections can be made by radio, infra-red light, carrier
pigeon, you name it. Nowadays it's more common to see UTP (unshielded
twisted pair) wiring, which is "star shaped" from a central hub out to
each system; and the hubs talk with each other over fiber-optic cable.
A network connection is shared by every computer on the same Local
Area Net (LAN). They can all hear each other; imagine a bunch of
people standing in a small room together.
Only one network host (computer) on a LAN can talk at a time and be
understood, unless the arrangement is something like UTP, where the
hub can route traffic just between the interested parties.
A networked computer talks by sending a packet of data (a series of
bits/bytes) addressed to either one other computer (normal TCP/IP), or
to everyone on the LAN who's listening (often UDP/IP).
Everyone on the LAN takes turns talking. On coax, if two computers
start to talk at the same time, there's a protocol for deciding who
gets to talk when. You can imagine a bunch of people in a discussion
group, except most of the time they're talking to just one other
person and the rest of the people aren't listening (until their name
is called). On UTP, any pair of people can whisper to each other
without bothering others in the room who are doing the same thing.
Hardware addresses:
Every networked computer has at least one LAN interface (card) that
contains a world-wide unique hardware [MAC] address set by the
manufacturer (48 bits = 6 bytes long). They look like this:
You can think of hardware addresses as being like the numbers on the
wires that leave the local phone company to go to your home telephone.
[Yeah, back then, ...]
You don't usually deal with them, but they are necessary to route your
Hardware addresses are assigned to manufacturers in blocks of numbers
at a time.
A network interface's hardware (station) address is only known to the
other computers on the local network.
Two computers talking on a local network actually address each other
by hardware address.
Local networks are connected by gateways, which are either
general-purpose or dedicated computers that are connected to two or
more different LANs or WANs (wide area networks). They know which
data packets should be forwarded from one network to another. Imagine
two groups of people in two adjacent rooms, with one person at the
common door who passes messages between the rooms. Separate
conversations can take place in each room at the same time, but
messages can also be relayed between the rooms.
IP addresses:
Every LAN interface is assigned a world-wide unique IP address (32
bits = 4 bytes). You can think of this address as the interface's
"phone number". IP addresses look like this:
[That was IPv4. Now IPv6 offers 16-byte IP addresses. IPv4 first ran
out of assignable network addresses on February 3, 2011.]
IP addresses are assigned to companies as blocks of subnet addresses.
For example, HP owns net 15, and also some parts of net 192 such as
Since a computer can have more than one LAN interface, it can have
more than one IP address (phone number) -- just like your house.
Hostnames and routes:
We associate "hostnames" with IP addresses, just like we associate
human or business names with phone numbers. (See below about domain
Since a computer can have more than one LAN interface and IP address,
it can have more than one hostname, just like people can be addressed
in different ways, depending on their roles and relationships.
However, each LAN interface does not necessarily have a different
name, because that could be confusing.
When a client computer connects to a server computer, it looks up the
server's domain name in a directory through a nameserver (see below)
to find the server computer's IP address, and then figures out a route
to that address by using routing services on the same system or on
other systems, including a gateway.
A simple form of a route is: "To reach any machine not on the local
net, go through the gateway at" The client addresses a
data packet to that gateway (using the gateway's hardware address).
The gateway in turn figures out how to send the packet one step closer
to the intended destination on a different LAN.
When a connection request (data packet) reaches a gateway on the same
LAN as the target server, the gateway talks to the server using the
server's hardware address, since it knows that number. (If it
doesn't, it can use ARP (address resolution protocol) to find out,
kind of like a waiter in a restaurant announcing, "phone call for Mr.
Port Numbers
Once a client computer reaches (connects to) a server over the
network, it needs a way to tell the server which service (server
program) it wants to talk with. It does this by specifying a port
number (at least in TCP/IP). You can think of port numbers as
telephone extensions. Every call to a server system reaches an
"operator" who asks for an extension number to put the call through.
On a server, when each server program starts running, it attaches to
one or more port numbers and receives traffic on those ports.
On a client, when a service is needed, the client program looks up the
standard port number for the service before connecting to the server
system. It's also possible for a human talking with the client system
to specify the port number to use for a given connection. For
example, you can "telnet" to a server's email or HTTP port and do
useful things, since those services speak ASCII (not binary).
Obviously there is a lot of agreement in the world about standard port
numbers, or clients would never be able to find their servers! But in
fact any server computer can attach any server programs it likes to
any port numbers.
Just like in real life, a computer protocol is a formal description of
how to talk to (or interact with) someone else.
TCP/IP stands for "transmission control protocol / internet protocol".
Along with other protocols, it describes the way that virtual
connections are made over networks, including hardware addresses, IP
addresses, hostnames, etc.
Once a connection is made between a client and a server, how they talk
with each other is described by a service protocol. For example, FTP
(file transfer protocol) is a simple language for asking a server to
get and send back to the client all the bytes in a specified file.
[Nowadays superceded by SFTP = secure FTP, and other services, but the
same idea.]
As you can see, to carry on a conversation, a whole stack of protocols
happens at the same time. It's just like if you make a phone call to
a business. There's a protocol you don't know about (because you can
ignore it) that says how to build and wire up telephones. There's a
higher level protocol (that you do know) about how to dial phone
numbers. And once you get through, there is an even higher level
protocol for how you might make a reservation or leave a message for
When you call someone on the phone, you're talking to a human (or to
an answering machine [nowadays, voicemail] that will be heard by a
human). Humans are pretty flexible and interactive, so you don't have
to be real precise about protocols. But computer services are not so
smart, so you must know and obey the protocols to talk with them.
Domain Names
Domains are a way of dividing up the world of computers so each one
can have a unique name (that includes its location in the network)
that's easy for people to use because it's made of words, not numbers.
Each domain can contain (know about) subdomains or individual
A computer's full domain name starts with its hostname and ends with
its top level domain. For example: "ajs.fc.hp.com" is [was, long
ago] a computer ("ajs", named for its owner) that lives in Fort
Collins, Colorado ("fc") on an HP computer network ("hp"), which is a
kind of commercial network ("com").
You can think of domain names as being like postal addresses -- name,
apartment, street, city, state, country. (Though most people don't
realize it, the ZIP code is actually just another way to get to the
name, apartment, and street parts, or sometimes just to the name,
while ignoring the city, state, and country parts. In exchange for
making you deal with a few numbers, the post office can deliver your
mail a lot faster and more accurately.)
Just like there are lots of different kinds of mail addresses, there
are lots of different kinds of domain addresses. They're all of the
form of words separated by dots, but the meanings of the first words
in the name depend on which domain they're in, that is, which words
appear later in the domain name.
Just like you can have both a street address and a post office box, a
computer can be in different domains at the same time, although for
various reasons this isn't very common.
Every domain or subdomain has at least one computer running a
"nameserver" program, on a "well known port number", that can do name
lookup. For example, if a client program on a computer named
"jlk.co.edu" wants to talk with a service on server machine
"ajs.fc.com", the steps work like this:
The client program on jlk.co.edu tells the computer system (jlk) it
wants to make the connection.
jlk looks at "ajs.fc.com". Since it doesn't know anything about
this address, it asks a world-wide top-level nameserver (at a known
address) for the address of "ajs.fc.com". It gets the IP address of
a nameserver for "com".
jlk asks the "com" server if it knows "ajs.fc.com". jlk gets an IP
address for the nameserver for the "fc.com" subdomain.
jlk asks the "fc.com" server if it knows "ajs.fc.com". jlk gets an
IP address for that system.
Now jlk connects to ajs by its IP address.
Suppose the client on jlk was a mailer (mail program) that wanted to
send email to a person named "ajs" on the computer named "ajs". It
would connect to the mail server's port (normally port 25), and say
that it had mail for "ajs@ajs.fc.com". Note that while jlk might talk
to a number of different systems in order to send the email, the
letter itself would go directly to the destination system (across some
patchwork of internet segments and gateways).
If the client was trying to send mail to "ajs@fc.hp.com", a computer
named hpfcla.fc.hp.com might "take the call." It would say, "I know
how to reach ajs@fc.hp.com" (who's really on ajs@ajs.fc.hp.com).
hpfcla would accept the letter from jlk, then connect with
ajs.fc.hp.com and forward it. This is especially common when the
source system can't talk directly to the destination system because
it's behind a "firewall", as described later.
Mark-Up Languages
A computer file is a series of bytes, usually in a code like ASCII
that represents text (letters and digits), like English text.
When the text is simply lines of words, and each line ends with an
ASCII "newline" character, we call that "flat ASCII".
A long time ago people realized that computers could be used to do
document and book preparation. They are great at storing and
manipulating text, and with printers they can print that text on
"Flat ASCII" text is pretty flat-looking. Documents and books have
lots of fancy features like layout, pagination, different fonts,
chapter headings, drawings, etc. So people developed what are called
"mark-up languages." These are ways of writing text intermingled with
various formatting control commands that affect how the text is
displayed or printed. For example, I might do something \fIlike
this\fR to make some words appear in italics and the words after them
return to normal (Roman) font.
Viewing and editing:
Once you have a document that is marked up in some way, you can view
it two different ways. You can edit it as flat ASCII and hand-modify
the formatting control commands, or you can view or print the document
"pretty printed" so you can see what the control commands do.
Nowadays most mark-up languages are supported by WYSIWYG ("what you
see is what you get" or "whizzywig") editors that let you edit the
document in a form similar to how it will look when it's displayed or
printed by the reader. You never need to see the control codes, but
you have to know a language for talking with the editor about fancy
Often a WYSIWYG editor will let you "view the source" of the document
so you can see the complicated control language.
Computers don't have to stop with pretty-printed words. It's possible
for them to display pictures and symbols mixed with the words. Some
of the symbols or words can even be made active, so when you "click on
them" with a mouse, something happens.
One useful action is called a "hyperlink". This is a way of changing
the display to show you a different document, or a different place in
the current document. Pictures and words can both be made into
hyperlinks. Text that is marked up to include hyperlinks is called
"hypertext". Here's an example that shows you the control codes:
<A href="#URL">Click here</A> to page-align the following table of contents.
<P> <a name="URL">First entry</a>...
This means, turn "Click here" into a hyperlink with a hidden reference
of "#URL", and if I click on it, move me down to the next paragraph
(after the "<P>"), at "First entry...", which has a hidden name of
The "language" called HTML (hypertext mark-up language) is the common
basis of the World Wide Web. Millions [billions? trillions?] of HTML
documents are stored on millions of networked computers. The example
above is a simple little bit of HTML.
Currently, most people who write HTML documents edit flat ASCII forms
of the documents, and then view them with a Web browser to see how
they look formatted. This is kind of like writing software and then
compiling it and running it to see how it works.
[Ancient history! Nearly everyone uses a WYSIWYG editor today.]
What's a URL?
A Universal Resource Locator is a fancy name for a line of text that
uniquely specifies a resource world-wide. A resource is usually, but
not necessarily, a computer file. [Not any more! Most URLs in typical
use take the user to an active server of some kind that returns
customized webpages.]
A URL starts with the name of a server or service; for example:
ftp: http:
The first service is FTP, the file transfer protocol you read about
earlier. The second service is HTTP, "hypertext transfer protocol".
It's a simple way to ask HTTP servers for HTML documents!
(By convention, the FTP server always listens on port 21 on a server
system, while the HTTP server lives on port 80.)
Normally the resource (text or image file) you want to access (view)
is not on your own system, so the next piece of the URL is the domain
name of the system where it lives; for example:
The exact form of the URL depends on the type of service! For HTTP,
the next piece is a path to the file, usually relative to the "home
directory" for the HTTP server; for example:
This means to return an image (graphics interchange language) file
that lives in the HTTP home location under images/Megan.gif. [At one
time the URL above probably worked, but it's also ancient history now.]
Finally, HTTP understands that after this part of the URL there can be
a wide range of other symbols that aren't a file path name, but which
carry information about the service request; such as the ticker symbol
for a stock whose price to look up and return.
One of the cool things about URLs is that you don't have to keep local
copies of documents. They only live at the source (on the source
system), and any time you need to see them, you retrieve (download) a
copy of the latest version -- assuming the server system is awake and
you can reach it! In the past, people shared around many copies of
on-line documents, and they developed elaborate schemes to try to
ensure the latest copies were always distributed to all users.
But you should know that most web browsers "cache" local copies of
files for a while. If you visit a website (URL) and return to it,
often the return is pretty fast because a temporary local copy of the
file is used. The only reason you need to know this is so it doesn't
surprise you, and so you know what the "reload" button does for you.
Bitmapped Graphics
One upon a time, to talk with a computer you had to press or flip
switches and watch lights. ("Once upon a time" tells you this is a
fairy tale and real life was much more complicated, but anyway...)
Later people figured out how to build mechanical "teletypes" that were
like typewriters, except the computer listened to your key presses and
typed a reply to you on paper.
Later still, people figured out how to have computers display text and
simple symbols on CRTs (cathode ray tubes, like TV sets but not
exactly the same).
And even later, people figured out that computers didn't have to just
display lines of text on these display screens. They could address
individual bits on the screen to draw pictures, do all sorts of
different sizes and fonts of text, etc. They could even put up
"windows" that each acted like a separate physical display.
Along with bitmapped displays came new and different kinds of input
devices than keyboards, such as mice and trackballs. With these
"pointing devices" it was possible to "point and click" on a screen,
choosing actions from "menus" instead of having to type "commands" to
get things done.
Guess what! A hyperlink, in a hypertext document, displayed "pretty
printed" on a screen, is a kind of "menu item"! The person who
creates the document can easily "program" the "menu" without having to
write any software (unless you count the mark-up language itself).
Putting It All Together
In the early 1990s all this technology -- client/server, internet,
domain names, mark-up languages, and graphical displays -- began to
come together. People were starting to store lots of documents,
marked up in various ways for pretty-printing, on networked computers,
and running application programs that used windowed, graphical
(bitmapped) displays and point-and-click interfaces.
Some people at CERN in Switzerland put together a markup language
(HTML) with computer networking (client/server) and a new kind of
server and protocol (HTTP), and with some new window-oriented,
graphical, point-and-click software on the client side (a browser), to
create the beginnings of the World Wide Web. Things really got going
around 1993.
The Web grew like wildfire! [Today we might say, like a nuclear
explosion?] Within just a few years, millions of documents had been
created or converted to HTML and made available through HTTP servers. A
variety of different web browsers (client-side programs) like Mosaic and
Netscape were created and improved. [Today's popular browsers include
Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox.]
So what exactly is the World Wide Web? It doesn't really exist! It's
"just" a collection of networked computers, internet connections,
services and servers with lots of marked-up documents and pictures to
share, and client-side browsers with which to view them. But when you
put them all together, it's magic! The Web seems to have tangible
What's a "homepage"? It's just an HTML document that is brought up by
default when you connect to a particular server for HTTP. Often there
are lots of homepages available through one server, say, one for each
user on the computer. You specify which one (whose homepage) you
want, as part of the URL; for example: http://udltools.fc.hp.com/~ajs
is a way of retrieving the homepage for user "ajs" from the HTTP
server on "udltools". [Another very dated example, including the "~"
part, but the idea of a homepage remains valid.]
Homepages are usually starting places for following hyperlinks to
details about a person or organization.
Suppose someone emails you a URL. "Check out this cool
website/homepage." What can you do?
You can cut and paste the URL (on your local graphical, window-smart
display, using a mouse) into a data entry form provided by the web
browser, say, Netscape, on your display screen.
Netscape figures out from the URL that the protocol is HTTP; then as
a client program, it asks the local computer to connect it to the
domain name (computer) specified in the URL.
Along the way, if necessary, the client system looks up the IP
address of the server computer from nameservers (and you get an
error if that computer can't be reached).
After reaching the server system, the client system asks for the
HTTP server by port number.
Then it tells the HTTP server program the rest of the gibberish in
the URL.
Some time later the server responds with an HTML document (or with
an error). This document is shipped back over the net to your web
browser, and the connection is broken. (HTTP is "stateless", that
is, it doesn't maintain a long-term relationship between the client
and server. Each time the client needs something from the server,
it makes a new, independent request. However, often times the new
request includes saved information based on the previous request,
such as form filled out by the user.)
The client-side web browser (Netscape) "pretty prints" this HTML
document and displays it on the screen for you.
[Nowadays people seldom must copy and paste a URL, instead they just
click on a link embedded in an email, text, Facebook page, etc. The
server programs for most user interfaces recognize and automate
hyperlinks found in the incoming text.]
All of this takes place in just a few seconds. How long, depends on
how busy are the network(s) between your client system and the server
system, how busy are the two systems themselves, and how much data is
to be transferred. (A picture might be worth a thousand words, but
it's often worth a hundred thousand bytes.)
[That was then, this is now, it's not unusual to share around images
that are 1-5 Mb in size.]
Going Even Further
Much of the time a website's URL is of the common form:
...and when people talk about the website, they leave off the
"http://" part, or even all but the "whatever" part. Bear in mind
that this is rather like giving a phone number without the area code.
Many computer networks are behind "firewalls". This means the
computers in the organization can talk to each other and can connect
to computers outside the firewall, but outside computers can't make
inbound connections. This is why, for example, you can't reach some
of the URLs I quoted above, from outside of HP. [And now, of course,
they are long gone anyway.]
Remember that automatic programs, not just people running programs,
can be network clients. What happens when you write a "robot" that
follows all the links it can, throughout the Web, and remembers in a
database the URLs and titles and documents it's seen? You get a "web
search engine", like the ones at:
http://searcher.fc.hp.com/arachnophilia (HP-internal)
[This was long before Google!]
You can tell these servers some words, and they locate all the web
pages they know about that contain those words. Then they create
(very fast, while you wait) a new, customized web page (HTML document)
that includes hyperlinks to the other web pages that contain the words
you wanted to find. Click! Off you go!
Most web browsers also have a way for you to record favorite URLs and
their document titles, as "bookmarks" or "hotlists".
Remember that there is a protocol for every networked service... And
there are lots of different kinds of computer services in common use.
Guess what -- most web browsers know lots of protocols! They can not
only talk HTTP/HTML, they can also talk FTP (bring back and display
files for you), send and receive email, and read and post netnews.
That is, they can be clients for a lot of different servers,
presenting them all to you, the user, through a common style of
graphical display.
The three most common types of computer services, which people get
confused, are these:
Electronic mail (email), exchanged using SMTP (simple mail
transfer protocol) or other protocols. This is good for
point-to-point communications, and for "broadcasting" using "mailing
lists" or "mail reflectors" to lists of people. To send someone
email, you need their email address, which is usually of this form:
Conversations by email are slower and less interruptive than by
telephone, but can be more precise, more easily shared widely, more
easily saved and reused, etc. Email combines features of both paper
mail and telephones.
Netnews (formerly called Usenet), exchanged using NNTP (network
news transfer protocol) or other protocols. This is like a public
bulletin board where anyone passing by can read what's on the board,
tack up their own sheet of paper, and even send email to people who
posted other notices. To achieve some sanity, old notices are
automatically "taken down" (removed by the computer); discussions are
grouped into "newsgroups" and then into "threads" (common titles or
subjects) within each newsgroup.
Newsgroups are great for widely sharing information, especially if
it is periodic in nature, like a newsletter, or is well-suited for
group discussion and debate. However, people often forget that all
they see locally is a copy of the bulletin board, with
whatever "sheets of paper" have been copied and posted locally (to
their system, or to a local news server system). There are delays,
postings can get out of order, etc.
[Netnews has long fallen to modern replacements of all kinds, such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.]
Web pages -- usually HTML documents. [Not so much any more,
there's a lot higher ratio of active to passive content.] This medium
is rather like a highly interactive encyclopedia where anyone with
access to a networked computer can add their own pages (and they are
NOT alphabetized). [This was long before Wikipedia!] It's great for
finding information when you need it, but it's not so great for
discussions or for knowing when new material arrives. People forget
this and often share information by web pages that would be better
shared by netnews.
What is "link rot"? That's when a hyperlink (in one HTML document)
points to a computer or document that is moved, deleted, or no longer
accessible. The link looks fine, but when you click on it you get an
error. One of the sad truths about an anarchy like the World Wide Web
is that link rot is common and unavoidable. This is one reason that
in many cases it's better to search for a resource (using a web search
engine) when you need it, than to record the URL.
What's "web surfing"? This means following hyperlinks, either from a
search, or through a series of linked pages, or even at random, in the
course of learning something, or just having fun. Kind of like
flipping TV channels -- but less random!
Whew! Happy Web surfing!