Alan Silverstein,
Last update (this page): March 16, 2008
My tumbler shop has grown into quite an elaborate (but enjoyable)
The purpose of this contraption is to capture as much silt as possible before it goes down the drain. I try to let the spooge bucket settle for several days before siphoning it into the filter bucket, but it's not always easy to wait for it to settle between uses of the sprayer and sink. Crud does get caught in the paper bags. When they are clogged enough, I replace them and wash out the rest -- outdoors, or back into the sink and spooge bucket.
In the nearby photo you can see some of the gallon jugs of reusable prepolish and polish compounds. The yellow pipe is the gas line to the water heater in the back of the picture. You can't see the plastic hose out the back of the bucket into the floor drain.
I think the ideal setup would be a simple way to direct the sink drain to any one of several large spooge buckets in rotation, so each one could sit undisturbed for a week or so before siphoning it off.