Yaesu VX-170 Modifications

Other keywords: vx170, mods, out of band, transmit, HT, handie-talkie

Standard disclaimer: This advice is offered without warranty. Use it entirely at your own risk. It's not my fault if you damage your radio. You should not transmit illegally.

By Alan Silverstein, N0MFW, ajs@frii.com.
Last update: July 7, 2011

This describes my experience in July, 2007, with a new unit. Modifying the radio at least allows transmitting out of the ham bands ("for emergency use only"), possibly other features too, not sure. The recipe follows.

Note: This webpage exists because I hunted the web looking for this information before I bought a new HT. I found what I needed, and that was great, but it was so brief and poorly written that it was hard to understand, and thus scary to use. There was a snapshot, too, but it was pretty fuzzy. I hope you will find the preceding verbal description clear and usable without a picture.

PS: Info contributed by Bernard in France, July 2011:

...just bought a FT-270E which is limited in RX and TX between 144.000 and 146.000. Inside the radio, two (2) resistors were soldered the same place as VX-170. I understood what are for the 2 resistors.

The first one, the one which is not mounted on your pictures, is linked to the RX bandwith. After de-soldering it and reset, the radio extends the RX bandwith betwenn 137.000 and 148.000. In this case, if I press the PTT button outside the 144.000 to 146.000 bandwith, "ERROR" is displayed by the radio.

The second one, the one which is mounted on your top of page picture, is linked to the TX bandwith. After de-soldering it and reset, the radio extends the TX bandwith betwenn 137.000 and 148.000. In this case, if I press the PTT button outside the 144.000 to 146.000 bandwith, radio is working properly.